Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Aspired Values

The other day I was talking with my friend Shawn about community, church, relationship, ministry... like we often do and he said something in that conversation that I have been wrestling with ever since. Shawn said that many people "aspired values but not true values". I have been thinking about this for a week or so and I am finding it to be more and more true. I will give you an example

I have the gift of being able to spend my days planning worship services and dreaming of creative ways to help the church connect with the heart of God and the community. Now realize I am a passionate/creative person but I am not an incredibly articulate person. With that in mind I wrote our Gateway worship ministry values in the form of a mission statement. It states:

"Our team exists to create atmospheres where our family can actively and expressively interact with God. It is our goal to exalt God above all; His first commandment is to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We worship Him when we love Him with our whole being; this love is manifested when our faith has feet.

To accomplish this goal we employ any means necessary- to use speaking, singing, instruments, prayer, readings and visuals to touch the imagination, mind, emotions and heart of those in attendance and to become a catalyst for a Christ-centered LIFE so that people are inspired to worship Him well."

If I were to write these values out but do nothing about them it would make Shawn's quote many people have "aspired values but not true values" true about me. I see this happen so often. People have a dream, a vision but they never work it out in their own lives. They live with the values but they never live out the values.

I am sure this happens for many a varied reason (fear, lack of back up, lack of wisdom etc). I am sure it has happened to me and will happen again and again but truth lies in this "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17The things I do are for the Lord and not for man. This perspective is vital for me to keep because no man has ever inspired me to dedicated service and devotion.

Lord help to make Psalm 26:8 true of myself "I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."



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